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Jarlsgårds troy town

Route information

Length: 2 km
Trail markings: white markings
Direction: not specified
Difficulty: normal
Starting point: Sirnäsvägen, Västanfjärd

The forest path takes you to the top of the hill where you will find a large stone labyrinth, called a Troy
town or Maiden’s Dance. There are two different ways you can get to the Maiden’s Dance. You can combine the ring road by walking part of the way along the main road. The ring road route is about 2 km long,
with half of the route going through fields and forests. On Sirnäsvägen road you will find signposts at both
ends of the road. The signposts show the way to the way to the Maiden’s Dance.

You can also visit The Lammala Nature Trail which is located nearby.