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What are we doing here / Lipasti, Sakko & Holmén

Time: o’clock
E-mail: info@kubu.fi
Place: Kulturhus Björkboda
Phone: 0418064766
Address: Smedskullantie 3
Organizer: Kulturhus Björkboda
Jussi Lipasti, Elisa Sakko & Lisa Holmén
Opening 9.2.2024 18:00-20:00

Kulturhus Björkboda
Thu-Sun: 11-17 (Sat: 11-15)

What do we do here, what do we bring with us when we settle in a new environment. The exhibition brings together works by three artists, mainly from their earlier production. The artists are bound by their individual relationship with Kemiönsaari. The island is a childhood and youth habitat or a new home. The works in the exhibition deal with migration, fixing mistakes, the relationship between nature and the urban environment, limitation, adaptation, birds and experiences from youth.

Jussi Lipasti (b.1990) is a visual artist living and working in Kemiönsaari. He works mainly with sculpture and installation. He is interested in creating contrasts, where delicate natural materials meet modern technology with computer software and laser beams. Lipasti’s works often deal with different forms of violence, the socio-economic settings of our society and the sharing of common space with other species. Jussi Lipasti graduated as a visual artist from the Turku Arts Academy in 2023.
IG: @jussi.lipasti

Elisa Sakko (b.1994) works with communication, experiences of connection and separation, and the movement between different materialities. Their work is based on disassembling their old art works, as well as other found and received materials, which they dismantle, assemble and rearrange. Sakko’s work is guided by interest towards active agency of the material. Elisa Sakko currently lives and works in Kemiönsaari, mainly with sculpture and installation. They graduated as a visual artist from Turku Arts Academy in 2022.

Lisa Holmén (b.1999) is a visual artist from Kemiönsaari, currently studying at Turku Arts Academy. Her current expression consists mostly of sculpture but also painting and performance art. The subjects are often set in nature or everyday life and seek to find coherence with our emotions from there. The works often take the form of dark, wistful or tragicomic stories in which one can find a touch of something comforting.
IG: @aavaalue